Title: This is a fine romance Recipient's name: tehlils Rating: PG Pairing(s): Shikamaru/Temari Disclaimer: None. Warnings: None. Author's Notes: I hope you like this, tehlils! ♥
This is one of those pairings that I actually secretly or not-so-secretly-but-at-least-quietly LOVE so I was glad to see you'd done and I'm delighted to see that you've done it so WELL. ♥ Oh Shika.
Shika~♥ I'm not the biggest fan of Shika/Temari but this was so well written that I could care less about it *__* Fic like this slowly convert me to this ship ^__^
Comments 4
Just what I had hoped for. *__* I love love love every last bit of it. Also. DSKFJSDKLFJJDSLFK The last line was hilarious. XD
Thank you mystery writer. *_________*
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