Title: The Tale of One Not Yet Dead and His Hat (And Sometimes-Lover)
Recipient's name:
starstruck272Rating: Oh god. Probably almost R. For implications.
Pairing(s): Smoker/Ace!
Disclaimer: One Piece isn't mine, etc etc, so on and so forth.
Warnings: Talk of sex and possibly kinky adults. But no ACTUAL kinks
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Comments 8
♥_____________♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
"What else do I have to do, spread my legs and cry ‘Take me now, you stud, you’re so smoking hot!’ in a high-pitched girly voice, blow your mind with amazing sex and then sneak away with it in the night?" --That line is PRICELESS~~~ Ace really has a way with.. uh.. words *snickers* AND HAHAHAH Ace telling Luffy to tell Garp HAHAHAHA~♥
..I wonder whether Garp gave him more creative tips on the use of his jitte XDD Oh gods thank you thank you~♥ The snark does good for my soul *___*
You should write a fic about THAT conversation! *giggle*
Ace is pure love.
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