Duet Nov Ryutaro

Oct 06, 2010 22:01

Q How will you convey your feelings/confess to the person you like?
It would seem like a lie if I did it by mail or phone so saying it directly would be good. For example, while talking naturally I would say "I like you!" when the moment that the conversation pauses. I would repeatedly say "I like you" when the conversation dies down (laughs). Maybe after around 3 times, I would definitely make her laugh, I think.

Q. Today is your first date with your girlfriend, what kind of date do you want to go on?
Nowadays, I haven't gone to the aquarium so I would like to go there. Eh, am I properly thinking about her feelings toward it? That doesn't have any relation to anything. The place I want to go to would be just fine, wouldn't it!

Q After the date, what kind of mail will you send her?
Uhm, it won't be coming from me. I will be waiting for a mail from her. I plan to have a date wherein she would say "Thank you for today" but if she doesn't send me anything, I would think, "It's OK/nevermind about that" (laughs). But if a mail would come, I would reply saying, "That was fun, ne. The seal's show was good so let's go again. Ja.".

Q You guys fought and you made her mad. How will you cheer her up?
I won't do that. Definitely not (says plainly). If I were the one at fault I would say, "I am sorry" but even if she were angry I would say "Jaa na" and go home. Eh, you want me to think about what she'd feel about it? U-n, well then, I would buy her oolong tea or some tea drink and say, "Cool your head a bit". (laughs).

Q You found out that your girlfriend lied to you. What will you do?
I will plainly say, "You, you're lying to me, aren't you?"

Q Your favorite girl is in front of you. How do you appeal to her?
I won't go closer to her side but from afar I would look at her like, "Aa~ How nice~", no? I will stare at her to the extent that she will notice it. Oh wait no, I might look at her wishing from center of my heart thinking, "Look here" (laughs). Furthermore, I would also wish, "Please talk to me".

Q The meal she made for you didn't taste good. What kind of reaction will you show?
I will say, "It tastes bad!". I would want her to remake it so for the sake of next time I'd have to tell that to her plainly.

Q Among the members, who seems to be the most popular among girls?
Maybe it's Inoo-chan? Just maybe but according to girls isn't his appropriateness surprising and pleasant?

Q What is the weird part about girls?
Hairstyles, make-up and the things they care about too much. Isn't a face without any make-up good? I think that it's cuter.

Q What do you want to do to convey your feelings of gratitude to your fans?
It would be nice if we could go on a bus tour with them. Everyone in JUMP would be the bus tour guides (laughs). I think that we can make them have fun~

Linking back is okay though. XD 

mag: duet, hs7: morimoto

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