I definitely see Liebgott. The way you say that you bottle your emotions and are quick to lash out, that people may take note of your temper. Also the fact that you seem to care deeply for those you feel have suffered and the emotional connection that you seem to have with Holocaust survivors. He's a particularly complex character and I'm amazed by how well you seem to reflect him. At least in my opinion. The words you picked to describe yourself through other people's eyes is almost exactly how I might describe Liebgott.
Iggg, hmm, I've got a hint of Buck's easy-going leadership, he's an Angelino so he knows how to wheel and deal, but buckles back the emotions to keep functioning. Wild Bill is talking too, from the harsh, no gradient philosophy of surviving the war.
Wow, this one was really hard. At first, I personally thought I saw a little bit of Nixon, with that talk of entrepreneurship and barbed retorts, but that hardness and determination means my vote goes for Bill Guarnere.
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