let_us_trade, how do you not know that the setting of Psycho was the Bates Motel? Even Bill knew that! And Bill always gets those ones wrong.
Anyway, I really needed tonight. I hadn't even realised how badly I need it until we got down there to the Queen's Head. Usual crowd. Tony and his lot were at the table next to us and kept trying to put us off by throwing pig snacks. Which was fine until I was fetching a pint from the bar and had a bit of a stumble, completely spilling my bitter down his shirt. The whole thing. Gone.
Wouldn't call it wasted though.
Have I mentioned that Tony is a tosser? I think I've said this every pub quiz night, but for those who have missed it: Tony is a tosser. That is all.
We came in dead last this month. I mean, stone dead last, if negative points were possible, we'd have had them. I don't think we've ever finished with nought before. That is a new record. I'm quite proud of that one, actually.
When that was done, we went out for proper drinks at the Phoenix. You know Bill's had a few too many when he starts flirting with the barman. Who I'm fairly positive had only not punched him in the face because Bill was twice his size. Didn't know you had that side to ya, Bill. But now we know your type! Short and hairy, and I think Greek. I don't know, I couldn't tell. He sounded Greek. He also sounded pissed off.
THE TEAM have decided to keep Greg, and we have initiated him accordingly. Don't worry, mate. No-one likes the anchovies. But you don't have work for a few days, which should give plenty of time to get rid of the stink. But that's the last time anything like that'll happen deliberately. I promise.
Just finally stumbled in about fifteen minutes ago (maybe more. IDK how long it's taken me to type this up) and found S had managed to break our few remaining plates. So there's a fitting end to a night that I'd previously thought had ended up in a hedge of the totally boring and not-at-all exciting variety.
John, you're an idiot. I'm leaving this post up so you can see just how big of an idiot you are.