DDDDD8 *cough* How could your school began that early? Damn it that's why i havent seen you around here >_____> And you're on hiatus again =____= *hug tight* I'm soooo sorry for not leaving comments in your last 2 fic updates, i'll try to do it soon *cough* sorry, i've been ill for almost a week and coughed like hell, i hate coughing DAMN IT *cough* Yeah, Dear, are you going to watch SM concert there? :D
omo, you should see a doctor! D: Please do and get it checked up, for me! and no, I can't go that far to watch a concert, I'm too young Dx but I want to, it's only a 6hour drive away! And it's okay, what matter is that you take good care of yourself and become healthy again by getting rid of the cough! Oh and yeah school starts at the end of July. I only had a 2 month summer.
;___; school D< i know how you feel D; i went on a super long hiatus when college started as well and until now, i am still dying because of the hectic schedule as well as assignments T-T i am gonna die of lack of energy soon. but good luck with everything okay?! /hugss.
omo college is that hectic?! I'm starting college in two years and am really nervous =/ can't you take one day off each week to relax...maybe just for a bit D: my get-away-from-everything day is saturday! I get lazy and sleep more on that day xD
haha, two years i'll be graduating XD but well it depends on the individual. For me i don't really enjoy college cause of the time I spent to travel. It's horrible and the hot weather isn't making anything better for me -_- owh i do get holidays but i have assignments like crap so yeah =/
you travel during college? Like study abroad :O??? grrr I hate it when teachers give assignments over holiday breaks, it's like school all over again, but in your own home
Comments 12
How could your school began that early? Damn it that's why i havent seen you around here >_____> And you're on hiatus again =____= *hug tight*
I'm soooo sorry for not leaving comments in your last 2 fic updates, i'll try to do it soon *cough*
sorry, i've been ill for almost a week and coughed like hell, i hate coughing DAMN IT *cough*
Yeah, Dear, are you going to watch SM concert there? :D
and no, I can't go that far to watch a concert, I'm too young Dx but I want to, it's only a 6hour drive away! And it's okay, what matter is that you take good care of yourself and become healthy again by getting rid of the cough! Oh and yeah school starts at the end of July. I only had a 2 month summer.
i went on a super long hiatus when college started as well and until now, i am still dying because of the hectic schedule as well as assignments T-T i am gonna die of lack of energy soon.
but good luck with everything okay?! /hugss.
I'm starting college in two years and am really nervous =/ can't you take one day off each week to relax...maybe just for a bit D: my get-away-from-everything day is saturday! I get lazy and sleep more on that day xD
but well it depends on the individual. For me i don't really enjoy college cause of the time I spent to travel. It's horrible and the hot weather isn't making anything better for me -_- owh i do get holidays but i have assignments like crap so yeah =/
grrr I hate it when teachers give assignments over holiday breaks, it's like school all over again, but in your own home
come back see Unnie
Thank you <3
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