So, I went to the doctor today! And fortunately, I don't have to operate my hand!*puh* Buuuuut... it's not going to heal quick... -_____- But anyway, I can sleep again!*yay* And tomorrow we're going again to Zurich to bring a few things... like my nintendo!*hehehe
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Comments 14
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Ahhh, I want all of the mangas!*argh* I should save money for it!*nod*
Haha, Nintendo rulez! XD Ich erinnere mich no an min alt Super Nintendo...|D~
I'm also so addicted to Naruto *__* I'm going to watch the newest Anime episodes tonight, and I so hope that the damn annoying fillers are really ending now >__< Some people mentioned that they're over now (de Anime isch nur wäge dem so scheisse worde...=_=''), but the Manga is still better.
Oh jo, i han no dr ganz, ganz alt Nintendo, dä isch so funny!*lach*
Jau, i han au ghört!^^ Nya, i weiss nid, i find au z charadesign vum Anime nid sooooo guat... Aber d Stimma gfallend mr (hrhr, vorallem dia vum Kakashi!*_____*)
*dumedruck, damits bald wieder tiptop oke isch*
Goosch du de scho of Zoeri, aso hesch scho es Apartment?
I be scho uuu lang noeme of LJ xii, schaeme mi fasch scho chli... lol i ha schone ganze Monet mini emails noeme checket. O__o
und zum Glück ischs nid vum Comp... O____O
Jau, nögscht Wucha fangt d Uni a, und miar hend jetzt endlich alles fertig züglet!*lalala*
Och ne, du muasch di doch nid schäma!*smile* Isch doch voll easy!^^
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