Ah, today's a really boring day...
Ok, finally I finished my 800 pages long book!^^ I'm sooo happy! So I should read now the last book for my oral exam! I began today, and now I've done the half...
Oh, I noticed also that 12012 are coming to Europe. (*saeundnanatröstatuan* Sae, i kann mr scho vorstella, wia du uf d Bühni springsch und am Tomoyuki
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Comments 15
"Ah yes, and then this singthing...^^ For me, Kyo was a better singer in the "earlier" years. Now it's mostly just screaming... but hei, that didn't mean, that I'm not fan, right? If you're a fan you should also be able to criticize and to discuss normally, not just: "Diru is a good band" and basta."
Same here. I loved their Indies days and their first 4 Albums, but Withering to Death? No thank you.
Also, das Buach isch vum Dostojewski, früaner hets "Schuld und Sühne" gheissa, jetzt heissts "Verbrechen und Strafe".
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