Me! We haven't weaned yet. Lyle still nurses about once a day, in the morning when he first wakes up usually. He will very rarely ask for it at bedtime. He will go for days without it at all, though, when we travel, b/c there's always way too many other exciting things going on for him to bother. Every time I wonder if this is it, but so far, it hasn't been.
I weaned my twins at 3 because it was turning into competition nursing which was NO FUN. Had I had two singletons, one of them would have self weaned at 2.5, I expect. The other would still be nursing. I feel bad about weaning that one before she was ready, but did not see much in the way of a solution.
Laura said bye to my boobs when she was 2 years and 8 months old. By that week she said bye to her diapers too day and night. I missed nursing a lot, but i always said she was the one to decide, so she did.She still makes fun of it, loves to touch them and pretends to be a baby sometimes, but she is such a big girl now...
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