We had a family picnic in the park the other day since Florida finally went down to the 80's for two days. Sadly we are back up to the high 90's so too hot to do much outside.
Sliding down the slide at dusk
Vincent's first painting of many. A masterpiece if you ask me! lol
1. Baby Name and Age: Vincent 15 months and a few days
2.Weight/length/clothing: 23lbs, 31.5 inches. Wearing mostly 18month clothing and size 6 shoes.
3. Food:He's finally starting to eat more but still not to the point that I want. We offer him three meals a day plus snacks but he usually only wants to nurse in the morning, then eats very little for lunch. He's good on dinner though so at least there's that and hey, solid poops haha
4. Sleep habits: Good for the most part. He almost always sleeps through the night now without any wakings but ONLY when he's in the bed with us. If we try to put him in his crib, or even if he's in our bed and we aren't there, he somehow knows and wakes up screaming. I don't get it.
5. Likes and dislikes: Blanket forts blanket forts blanket forts. Loves playing peek -a-boo with us, running, dancing, piggyback rides ,painting, still fascinated with going up and down the stairs only now he tries to walk them instead of crawl them. sometimes accidentally jumps and always seems amazed when he does it. CLIMBS ON EVERYTHING UUUUUUUUUUUGH. Dislikes not being able to climb on the chairs and onto the tables, that the cat doesn't want to play with him all the time ever, and that baby gates exist.
6.Milestones: He's been walking marvelously for months now and is running as well. He babbles a lot but doesn't seem to be talking as much as other june babies seem to be. He can say mama, dada, kitty, uh oh, yah, and no.... but doesn't use them properly for the most part. He does sing now and dancings to his "song". Extremely clever, knowing to move things to have them work in the best way possible, and find ways into things you try to keep him out of. I feel like a bad mom though since I haven't been working on getting him to recognize animals or shapes very well so if you say " bring me the shark" He doesn't know to grab the shark toy, he just looks at you then goes back to whatever he was doing.
7. What's driving you crazy, if anything: It's not driving me crazy, but as previously stated, I feel like a bad mom some times. I play with him a lot but I don't feel like I'm teaching him all that I should be or something. We just play like chase, or hide and go seek, or peek-a-boo. I really need to work on helping teach him words and what things are.
8.What's making you smile: Most of the things he does. He loves running and hiding behind something then popping out at us and looooooooooooove chasing us around the house trying to catch us. He also will hide random places and wait for us to come find him. So cute!