Title: The Underage Student/Teacher Bar Fuck Complication Affair (Pepsi Style!!!) (Mmm_kekse and Mounstro came up with that title. :) ) or
Scronking Pepa (Lovelyafterglow suggestion :))
Rating: NC-17
Show: LHDP
Pairing: PepSi
Disclaimers: Do I really need one? Everyone knows they're not mine and all that other blah blah blah.
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Comments 24
Thanks for the great update
Please don't take to long for the next one
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
I won't take too long. Promise.
Anyways, thanks so much Swiftly! I'm really happy that you liked the update. And I won't take so long to return with more, I promise! :D
So glad that you're back to finish this fic.
And I'm glad that you're glad. :)
More like love. *grin sheepishly*
You're turning me a degree gayer each time I read your smuts.
Love your dp!
Laura is looking hawt with that red glasses, damn damn damn!
And I agree with szairmz! Damn, damn, damn. :D
I've also been MIA in this here livejournal. It's been, eh, over a year. I can't believe it's been so long. But I'm STILL intent on finishing my own fic. I'm sure few remember me or "I See Red" or even care if it's finished at this point (well, I know a few who do...) but it's a matter of pride! So I tip my hat to you for your continued efforts to dazzle us with your delicious wit and super hot sexytimes.
You are an inspiration to me! I hope you stick around writing fic forever!!
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