I had a couple of requests for this one, so...
* If opacity level isn't mentioned, it's 100.
* If layer blend mode *and* opacity level aren't mentioned, it's Normal 100.
From bottom to top:
Started with the base supplied by
buffy_stillness. I can't remember if I did anything to it, but if I did, it was the usual thing - Sharpen once, Edge Preserving Smooth set to 1.
Duplicated the base, set to Screen.
The good ol' dark blue Exclusion layer.
Gradient by IDon'tKnowWho, set to Overlay 54.
A brush {the Yellowish part}, again by IDon'tKnowWho, set to Screen. Then I duplicated it with the same settings, so I now have two layers with this brush, both set to Screen 100.
Yeah, I suck with knowing who made the brushes I use :( The brush here is the dark red part, and it's set to Overlay 39.
Another duplicate of the base, again set to Screen.
Simple border created by selecting and filling.
This one is by
Georgia 5pts, Bold + Italiacs.
Georgia 5/6pts, Bold + Italiacs, Multiply 68.
And viola!