Prom link pimping post!

May 03, 2011 09:17

So as many of us are probably already aware, the prom log has hit 4k comments and still counting, making the whole thing huge and quite painful to load for people with slower systems no screw that I just tried this goes for EVERYONE. So what's this post for?


1. Comment here with links to your character's comment threads. Feel free to include the location too, to make things clearer!
2. People who can't load the post follow your links to the smaller threads so they can actually tag you/keep tagging you, which should load with no issue.
3. Gain CR
4. No ??? JUST PROFIT.

Now to get everyone started, I'll link up the different blocs of the prom here. These threads are still huge, however, so watch out for that, but at least it's better than the whole post...

Food and Drinks Table
Age change mini-event sub-thread
Dance Floor
Outside around the Gym
Elsewhere at the Dance
Live Music
Prom King & Queen Announcement

I might try to sort characters out by name, family name, include the URLs and make a directory on this post, if I have time later/people would like that but if I do it'll probably be after I get up from bed tonight ;; Until then, get pimpin'! o7

big pimping, we're all teenage girls here, out of game, sexy parties

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