Hi! It seems we have a lot in common, so I hope you don't mind my friending you ^_^ I'm Lauren, an eighteen year old fangirl college student :-) It's very nice to meet you!
Can you add me to your friends list=D im very good with keeping personal information well im gunna add yuu can yuu add me back=D also i hear yu no alot about programs to make icons if yu can tell me some right now im using a free trial of adobe phototshop 7 and its almost done with my days but my cousin has the same program and she doesnt use the trial help?
Sorry, I know nothing about Photoshop at all... I don't know who told you I did. I don't really think we have anything in common, so I don't think I'll be adding you back. Sorry, but my flist is crowded enough as it is... If you want my graphics you can find them at _rubizzle, and there's lots of info about that kind of stuff at icon_tutorial. ♥Ruby
I'm not asking to be added, you can add me if you want and I'll add you, but i just wanted to say that your graphics are awesome!!! They all look so...cleane cut (if that's a good description) hehe, I'm mean you're talented. Which program do you use?
Comments 45
Pride and Prejudice (though I'm doing an exam in that tomorrow and am slightly sick to death of it right now, but I still love it)
Pink Panther. Rocks my socks!
Ron/Hermione. Eeee! Best. Pairing. Ever.
Star Wars.
We also both have icon journals (mine is acidic_icons if you were wondering) though I use PS7 rather than GIMP.
My name is Amy. Though I have a couple of nick names. Ammers, Amy-lase, Mamy, Mamykinns. I'm 15 years old and live in the UK.
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