OOC: AU info!

Feb 28, 2011 21:03

Subject to future editing.


- Is a sentient Shadow like Teddie
- Kind of a cross between OU Yosuke and Shadow Yosuke. Plus Teddie's naivety of the outside world.
- Mascot costume is a frog (as seen in his default icon) [ILU SHUN]
- Likes being seen as Souji's equal, hence 'partner'
- Learns about Souji's world from...televisions, books, magazines, manga...
- He really likes the Naruto Fishcake manga series. Basically shounen manga.
- Works at Junes
- Lives with the Hanamuras with Teddie.
- Is very close to the rest of the team. Even while teasing them and avoid being killed by Kanji. Or eaten by Yukiko.
- It's a bit of a joke that most of the Mascots would 'eat' him, since he's a frog and most of the animals...can eat frogs.
- Which is why he likes Rise the puppy, SHE DOESN'T THREATEN TO EAT HIM AT ALL. ;A;

Taken from Souji's info post (foolskeeper )

'Yosuke: Yosuke represents Souji's feelings about being shuttled off to the boonies. Everything's boring and there's nothing that he can do here, unlike the city that he's more used to. And with the murders happening, it's seen as an exciting opportunity to solve a mystery, especially when it's discovered that he can go into the TV world! As time goes on, though, both of them start to treat the investigation more seriously.'

He cares about fashion enough to be dressed like a teenager. Passably. Kinda. Souji helped.

