Charlie was born as generation 4, son of
Elisabet Hartwig and
Marcus Montell. He's got brown hair and darkblue eyes with a dark skin tone. His aspiration is Popularity and his LTW is to become a Rock God. He turns on from Underwear and Hats but turns off from Logic.
Birthday June 10th '94
Axel Montell,
Elias MontellHeight: 56=180cm=1,03
Preferred Hobby: Nature
College Major
Talent points:
Cooking 0
Mechanical 0
Charisma 3
Body 0
Logic 1
Creativity 8
Cleaning 0
His sign i Taurus and personality points are as follows:
Neat: 3
Outgoing: 0
Active: 7
Playful: 0
Nice: 5