Year 93-96 Apartment 1 - Nobody Cares

Apr 13, 2013 16:25

Previously at Apartment 1, Cristopher was thrown out of the family house Öljung and moved into an apartment in Bluewater. Not long after that, Annika was kicked out of the family house Öljung too, and moved in with him. Cristopher was straying but Annika didn't care

Bardh’s Bachelor Pad year 93-96, Wednesday to Saturday
Cristopher Bardh, 75, Romance/Grilled Cheese, 2nd LTW Professional Partyguest
Annika Lind, 49, Romance, 2nd LTW Celebrity Chef

Cristopher Bardh is stuck in his Romance habits and dates women all the time

He doesn’t even care that his live-in girlsfriend comes home.

The interesting thing is that she doesn’t care either, and neither does the date.

No new jobs for Annika

Instead she takes the opportunity to study the birds and the bees

That night, Ludvig Burlin, their new neighbour, is visiting together with another guy in the building, and they really find each other! To be continued on his lot later on

Cristopher and Annika keeps their front door unlocked, so the apartment is always full of people. That’s great for Cristopher, since he loves to cook Grilled Cheese for all.

The backside of that arrangement is that there is very little privacy, but no one cares about that here.

Still no job for Annika. Mattsmyra seems to fall into a recession again.

Apartment 1 after round 25:
Cristopher Bardh
Annika Lind

cb pad

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