Anna was born as generation 2, daughter of
Jesper Montell and
Inger Johansson. She's got blond hair and light blue eyes with a very dark skin tone. She changed her aspiration in college from Pleasure to Family/Popularity and her LTW changed from 50 dream dates to 6 grandchildren. Her turn-ons are perfume and vampyrism, turn-off is make-up.
Birthday: February 11th '31
Died: February 18th 106
Simon Montell,
Barbro (Montell) Sandvall,
Martin Montell,
Sebastian Montell,
Malva (Montell) Markövertag
Height: 59=180cm=1.03
College major: Psychology, 4,9
Preferred Hobby: Arts & Crafts
Badges: Gardening Silver
Allan TörnbladChildren:
Oscar Törnblad, third generation
Wilhelm Törnblad, third generation
Siri Törnblad, third generation
Talent points:
Cooking 7
Mechanical 9
Charisma 4
Body 6
Logic 10
Creativity 6
Cleaning 7
Her sign is Pisces and personality points are as follows:
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 4
Playful: 4
Nice: 9
Sweet elder
Return of the clones Anna toddler Anna school girl
Anna sporty teen Anna adult