Allegra is a Uni aqcuaintance, moved in to live with Georg Lind, as a second generation adult. She's got black hair and green eyes with a light skin tone. Allegra has the Knowledge/Grilled Chees aspiration and her LTW is to become Criminal Mastermind - Acheived at 53. New LTW to become City Planner. Turn-ons are blond and black hair, turn-off is stench
Birthday: 2nd of March '11
Dead: 22nd of April '94
Height: 59 =180 cm =1,03
College Major: Art
Preferred Hobby: Fitness
Georg LindChildren
Annika Lind, third generation
David Lind, third generation
Talent points:
Cooking 10
Mechanical 10
Charisma 10
Body 10
Logic 10
Creativity 10
Cleaning 10
Impossible Want acheived!
Her sign is Pisces and personality points are as follows:
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 2
Active: 9
Playful: 2
Nice: 7
llegra plays the guitar