Noel was born as generation 3, son of
Thea Mattsson and
Cristopher Bardh. He's got blond hair and light blue eyes with a very light skin tone.
His aspiration was changed in Uni from Knowledge to Romance/Grilled Cheese and his LTW was changed from Criminal Mastermind to Woohoo 20 sims - acheived. Now he wants 20 simultaneous lovers - acheived at 53. Now he wants to become a Professional Party Guest - acheived. Now he wants to eat 200 grilled cheese His turn-ons are fatness and vampires, turn off is make-up.
Badges: Gardening Silver
Birthday: February 3rd '43
Simon Bardh,
Jörgen Johansson (half-brother)
College Major: MCL Drama
Preferred hobby: Nature
Caroline JohanssonChildren
Alexander Johansson, fourth generation
Maja Johansson, fourth generation
Talent points:
Cooking 10
Mechanical 7
Charisma 8
Body 10
Logic 6
Creativity 10
Cleaning 5
His sign is Libra and personality points are as follows:
Neat: 2
Outgoing: 10
Active: 3
Playful: 8
Nice: 7
Noel is blond! Noel crawls
Noel looks delicate Noel is a golfer Noel is a Romancer