Title: Sky
Rating/Warnings: PG
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Sometimes she felt like the sky, a canvas for others to walk across.
Word Count: 136
Author’s Notes: Done for
camelot_love's Spring Fling. The prompt was Sky.
Sometimes she felt like the sky, a canvas for others to walk across. The white elegant clouds floating across her, forming shapes and images she could never dream of. No one ever thought of the sky, the base of all things, it was just expected to be there, to do as it was told; if rain, snow, hail was required the clouds would dictated it and she would comply.
However more and more she’d been changing, his love making her stronger within herself. It felt now was if she was becoming someone on the canvas; her once concealed shine bursting forth as she joined the man who opened the door and changed the painting. Together they made the rays of the burning sun that warms the world and the glowing moon that changes the stubborn tides.