i want to go see kill bill tonight. i am still depressed. the bitchy voicemail from my boat didnt help any. bitches get your facts straight before you bitch someone out. BLAH!
survey says....
First real kiss: jonathan rodman
First Job: mcdonalds
First screen name: bnw102
First self purchased album: shanice
First funeral: mr. higgins, my neighbor
First pets: a bichon frisee
First piercing/tattoo: ears/ sun
First credit card: american express
First enemy: jennifer tacetta in second grade. she tried to steal my bf.
First big trip: i dont remember. i was all over the place till i was 8. either to minnesota or atlanta to visit the day... or to one of our timeshares.... or to dw... or to the gma's . who knows.
First play/musical/performance: god i have no idea. i also went to alot of musicals/plays when i was little. i remember one time there were alot of chandeliers and i told the actress i wanted to be her when i grew up. yeah, i think that was my first play.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: the score for my fair lady.
Last cigarette: last night, only cuz i was upset.
Last big car ride: idk. when we drove home last may. unless u consider nyc or the shore a big car ride.
Last kiss: too long ago. id like to say adam, but it was that jerk i met at the beginning of the year.
Last good cry: last night. but it wasnt good enough.
Last movie seen: the new texas chainsaw massacre
Last beverage drank: chai
Last food consumed: cabbage+potatoes
Last crush: i have a crush on the neighbor. the hot skinny one. tj. hes super cute.
Last phone call made: mom-mom
Last TV show watched: mmmm mtv cribs yesterday
Last time showered: about to
Last shoes worn: delias flip flops
Last CD played: the one i burned full of pop songs.
Last item bought: spin magazine
Last annoyance: the voicemail from my boat, and the fact that john and frank wont do the dishes. guess what, im not going to.
Last soda drank: coke
Last ice cream eaten: cookies n cream
Last shirt worn: yellow/white stripe one... it was my gma's back in the day.
Full name: monica
Age: 20
What school: fsu
Righty or Lefty: right
~~~~~YOUR LOOKS~~~~~
Hair: long dark blonde
Do you wear contacts or glasses: both
Do you wear any rings: when i can find them. i lost my hs ring, and my ring i got on the indian reservation. :(
~~~~~JUST LATELY~~~~~
How are you today: groggy, blah
What pants are you wearing: none :P
What shirt are you wearing: none:P (im in my nightie and robe)
What does your hair look like at the moment: poofy
What song are you listening to right now: jlo :runs and hides:
What was the last thing you ate? u just asked me. cabbage and potatoes.
How is the weather right now: sunny:( i want rain!
The last person you talked to on the phone: mom-mom
Who are you talking to right now: no one. but camgirl899 just imed me.
What time is it? 12:49 pm.
~~~~~MORE ABOUT YOU~~~~~
What are the last four digits of your phone?: 2759
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: blue
Have you ever almost died: yeah, i think so. ive driven around phoenix with a person who was on e, coke, k, and beer. and another time with people who were snorting lines while driving. and the last time i rolled . yeah i was a stupid kid. at least i got a good guardian angel.
What's the next cd you are going to buy: nelly furtado!
Have you ever won any special awards: mmm. sportsmanship awards for volleyball in grade school and writing awards. come to think of it i havent gotten shit since grade school. i became a slacker after 8th grade.
Do/ Done drugs: did
What sport do you like to watch the most? figureskating, then ice hockey, then equestrian, then baseball, then basketball
How many TV's do you have in your house? 3 in my real house. 1 here.
Do you have your own phone line? uh yeah.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yeah :)
Place for a dream house: philly. lower merion. what what. :P
Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone: no
Who is the loudest friend: andrea
Who is the quietest friend: abbie
~~~~~YOU AND LOVE~~~~~
Do you believe in love? yeah, but i dont believe in people. ?
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no :(
Do you have a crush: yeah
Who is your crush? u asked this already asshole. the neighbor.
Will you send this to your crush: uh this is getting really stupid. no. im not going to send this to anyone.
Do you believe in love at first sight: yeah
What song do you want played at your wedding: bach
Lights on/off: off with candles
MickeyDs or Burger King?: mcdonald's, mos def
Summer or Winter: winter
CD or tape: CDs
Skiing or boarding: skiing
Cake or pie: cake
Diamond or pearl: diamonds
Sunset or sunrise: sunrise when camping, sunset at the shore.
~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~
Ran from the cops: yeah
Drank: never!!!!
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yep
Do you like filling these things out? not anymore
How many people are you sending this to: your momma's momma.
Do you want your friends to send this back? x
Who is most likely to respond to this: your mom's cat
Who is the least likely to respond? batman