
Mar 16, 2008 02:09

ATTN LOST FANS ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

emersonrain March 16 2008, 18:13:14 UTC
I LOVE LOVE how it looks torn like..and the wording. You have to teach me that stuff and make me some Shipper Liason ones, hehehe. You are awesome Manda!


juniorfan29 March 16 2008, 18:18:11 UTC
It's all brushes m'dear. The torn look and the text both.


pierhias March 17 2008, 01:48:59 UTC
Okay, I'll start out with the ones I like best.
Cropping on 6 and 7 is good both ways, as is colouring. The text is taking up a little too much space for my liking, but not bad either.
10 is nice and simple, I like that.
The colouring on 8 is actually pretty nice, just the border is distracting.

I am no expert on brushes, so I can't really help with those.

On 1 and 2 the colouring is too extreme, 1 is too red and 2 is too yellow. 5 seems a tad too dark.

All in all, I think they are pretty good. Maybe you could try to avoid using too many brushes, so to not distracte from good cropping and colouring, but that's more my personal taste than objective criticism ;)

Hope this was remotely useful ;D


juniorfan29 March 17 2008, 01:59:12 UTC
Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about 5. The scene the screencap comes from is at night, and outside, so it is naturally dark.

I never know what to do about coloring. Sometimes you see people complimenting coloring that, to me, seems very ugly or over powering. So, it's hard to determine what the LJ masses will like, you know?

6 and 7, the text is a brush...so it's hard to play with the sizing of that.

As for brushes...sometimes I love them, sometimes I like simple icons. Just depends on the picture and the "mood" trying to be created, ya know?


pierhias March 17 2008, 02:12:29 UTC
Oh hell, tell me about dark screencaps :/ I know that problem too, iconing Supernatural and CSI:NY brings that with it...

Sure, colouring is a matter of taste. I go for the more natural look, but of course there's other ways to make an icon look good.


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