whats your flavor? okay actually color.
Red - Taken and dedicated.
Green - Taken and breaking up.
Minty Green- Want some Mint tingle condoms.
Blue - Single & like someone.
Teal - I'm a ninja
Purple - Heartbroken.
Amber- Want to fuck a girl named Amber.
Black - Taken and cheating on someone.
White - Single and not loving it, and not really hating it.
Tan - I rape people.
Yellow - Single and loving it.
Turquoise - I'm a fucking pirate & I OWN!
Silver- If you want to shoot yourself with a silver bullet.
Pink - Single and hating it.
Baby blue- Get pregnant.
Orange- Like someone but dont know if they like you back.
Rainbow- if you are homosexual
Gold- if you like Zelda games
Fuck it- if you want to get laid
Suck it- if you want a blow job