Sep 04, 2006 14:31
Arashi Summer Tour 2006
Arashic * Arachic * Arasick * Cool&Soul
Captain is mostly very quiet and gentle. And he always puts in so much effort.....theres a clear line between when he is "off" and "on". I think im similar to him in that sense.....we'll maybe everyone is like that. Especially these three (Aiba, Sakurai, Ohno) (lol) And thats why we get along so well. We work together during the day, and when we're done, we go out for drinks together. It's so weird because when we say "bai bai", we know that we're going to see each other again in a few hours time again for work (lol) I love that kind of relationship. I can't get enough of it!
Nino is the most childish out of the five (lol) When we start playing video games, it's always nino who pulls us in (lol) Nino and I get together and say "okay lets do it"....and the other three will join in soon or later. It's the same when we go bowling...its always him and me. So he's my starting point. And i've also never see nino tired. I don' think he shows that he's tired in front of me. Even if he is actually tired, if i ask him to play video games with me...he joins. Well, maybe he's trying to hide it from me.....not hide, but he doesn't show it delibrately. I just this thats his character. But i know he's a very sensitive guy.
Sho-kun and i get along so well....and he is such an idiot (lol) We are so the actions we take. When we just formed Arashi, this fortune teller looked at the stars of Arashi. And the other three were all different, but sho-kun and I were on the same star. Back then, i thought we weren't similar at all.....but now i see why (lol) I think the lady who looked at our star is a genius (lol) In the past few years, its been apparent how much sho-kun and I are similar. The difference between our "on" and "off" is also the same! We go crazy during our "off" (lol)
Matsujun....i found out i like him quite a lot. Our perspectives are very different....and so when i hear what he says, i think realize that there are a lot of different ways to look at things. I think noticing those stuff is really important....and its good that we have members who are totally different....or else its not fun. Because we have been spending our time together, now i can roughly guess his thought on one thing. It's fun being with him because he has such a different view compared to me. Our drinking style is also very different (lol) He takes so long! (lol) I think thats fun too (lol) We always spill stuff too (lol) And i don't really get pissed off at it too....its like "AGAIN?" (lol) Deep down, he is such a kind guy. I'm not sure if i can say this....but he is quite different from what he shows as his "character" on the outside. I think thats important since our job need a side like that. And i want him to remain like he is now....and thats why i like him!
Ohno Satoshi - Kun even i can't explain his personality and what he's like (lol) He doesn't really say his feelings or what he's thinking inside. But he gave me a text message 2 minutes before the last day of my butai. I think he wrote it with nino.....what it said ? It said "Congratulations for your last show! It's a party tonight!" (lol) I think it's only the members i can accept these kind of stuff. Normally, i hate emails or phone calls right before the opening of a stage. But i love it when its from a member. Because they know what im doing, and what im feeling before the stage. Knowing what im going through......they cheer me up. Oh....also, although he doesn't say anything, he is always keeping an eye on us. I admire him in that sense. I also keep an eye on everyone else, and watch them....but i can't keep what i think to my i say it out loud. But he doesn't.....and i admire that.
Sakurai Sho - Kun ....I've been listening to Arashi songs since the concert is coming up, and naturally i would listen to a lot of the raps he wrote. We started writing the rap lyrics half way through Arashi's music carrer....and he has been doing it since then. And when i listen to the old songs, i can see a big improvement. I think the way he uses words are very unique and original. I'm not sure what he thinks of his own piece of work, but from my point of view, his work is always "new" and original. We (the four) never write rap lyrics, but even we can see the improvement these days.
Aiba Masaki - Kun he always had this talent to make the air relaxed....but thesedays, he's learning from his senpai "shimura ken"san, which is adding another level to his talent. By absorbing new techniques, he is adding a new side to Arashi. For example, he never used to say opinions for our show, but thesedays, he often makes advice on how we can make the show more interesting and fun. He has his own opinion and views on how we wants the show to become, and thats great because I was the only one who used to push foward "arashi's" opinion. The advice he says are useful and his ideas are actually great......well, he has always been the most stupid genius (lol)
Ninomiya Kazunari - Kun this is my personal impression, but i think nino changed quite a lot since he went to LA. He was always "buoyant", and there were sides of him that he never showed to people. But since he came back, i think he's starting to show those things to us bit by bit. I have this feeling that he's filled with power right now.....and accelarating. I think he has good flow, and im happy to see that. One thing i can say about nino is that he loves to have fun with the five of us, but he draws a clear line between the time we can fool around, and the times we have to be severe. I've been feeling that recently, and i love it because i like working in a serious atmosphere.
Let's start off with captain shall we ? Captain is a very kind person. Even if it's the most unpleasant job....we will do it when it needs to get done. That's the type of person he is. Also....he keeps on telling me thesedays that he wants a chainsaw.....but i don't get him at all (lol) He's kind but he's also a weirdo...(lol) It's not like i understand everything about him. This goes for the rest of the member....but everyone in Arashi keeps a certain distance from each other. Because they are all kind, nice mannered people, they instictly know that its not good to be "too much" for someone. Things won't be the same if we are too close. I'm there are a lot of things i don't know about the member. For example, if someone was in a bad mood, no one asks why, but they just leave them alone. During variety shows, if the members didn't look like they want to talk about the topic, we jsut move on. Well........sometimes we do the opposite to make them piss off (lol) But i don' really analyse too much, so its hard for me to answer questions like "what kind of personality does the members have?". My opinion changes from time to time. It's like the weather. You can't really say "they are like this". So if the weather report is not correct....people get angry right ? (lol) So i'd rather keep quiet. I can say something superficial like "oh he's stupid" or "he's a genius"....but if i have to be serious about them, i can't say anything thoughtless.
So if there was something i could say about the members right now.....what could i say ? During the first 4 month of this year, i was working alone for the most of was only since may we got back together to work as a five. Don't you guys wonder what i was doing ? On my own for such a long time (lol) I'm having the greatest time with them right now. I realized how great Arashi is, when i saw the variety shows of four of them while i was in LA. Even though i wasn't there, during their talk, there were gaps where i would have said something. I think the four felt weird doing the shows on their own, but as a viewer of the show, i felt like nothing changed. They didn't change the style just because i wasn't there, and they did it the usual "arashi" way. I felt really happy by it. I felt like i had room to go back. So it's actually nice to work on solo because i can be remined that im not alone. I have a place to go back and the four are always with me.
Sho - kun, its really fun watching him thesedays...(lol) I think he's going totally nuts thesedays (lol) He's really funny. He keeps on saying what he thinks. Like...."ahhh... i slept so much"...."darn i slept for so long"...."i slept so much!" (lol) He keeps on saying it over and over again (lol) "AH! that was really fun" "it was fucking fun" "gosh that was..." So it's really easy to tell what he's thinking (lol) I'd think wow, he must have slept for a long time...or wow, he must had so much fun (lol) I don't think he notices but he's really saying the same thing over and over again...(lol) And thats fun to watch (lol) He's really high tension for most of the time thesedays....or sleeping. He's the funniest thing for Arashi right now (lol)
Matsujun, is a very busy guy. He does dramas, butais, movies, all at once! Right now he's doing the filming of the movie and also doing the concert rehersals....All of those at once, i won't be able to handle it (lol) Matsujun gets bombarted with jobs....which are mostly acting jobs.....and i think i won't be able to do that. I have to get them one by one (lol) well, its not that i couldn't do it, but.....i can't imagine my self handling it well. So matsujun is a very tough guy. He keeps an eye on everything, and i think he's the most grown up among Arashi. He's always concentrating on his job.
Nino, never changes....i was really happy when i noticed that he hasn't changed a bit since he came back from LA. I think he has this "core" himself, and that never changes. He still plays games all the time. And his actions never change as well. I'm sure he's changing inside. He's going through a lot and maturing while he experience a lot of different jobs, but that doesn't show on the outside. So when you just see his actions, he never change since he was a kid. But im sure he has grown a lot inside.
Aiba-chan, is the type of person who thinks a lot. You can tell from his expressions. Unlike the other three, his inside shows on the outside, so its easy for me to tell what he's going through. When he's happy, when he's down.....i think he's the, im the easiest to tell (lol) I show everything on my expressions (lol) But on the otherside, i think he's one of the smartest. He can change is thinking quickly from one another. When he's not thinking, he's really not thinking about anything (lol) But when he is, he thinks deeply.
Nino, doesn't change at all right ? Even though he goes to can't change him. And i think thats his strength. Now i have great confidence that he won't change no matter what. Recently, we call his sarcastic comments the "devil's comments" (lol) Naturally, he's the devil (lol) I like those comments. A turning point for the "devil comment" was the comment he made during "G no Arashi" when we were making pickled straberries.....he said they look like a granny's nipples (lol) And that was a revolution inside me(lol) He uses words that i will never come up with (lol) I think......our perspectives and what we see is the same, but the output is drastically different between nino and me. So thats really interesting for me.
I spend most time with Aiba-chan thesedays. We're together during work...and after that we go out to have drinks....I'm with will "on" and "off" (lol) I think we are becoming more like....pure friends. You know how old people become like babies after a certain time ? Their maturing stops and it rewinds back. We used to be colleges....but thats rewinding, and now we are jsut basically becoming friends.
Matsumoto-kun changed over the past year or so. Like how he wore the stocking during "G no Arashi". He would have never done that if this was a few years before. I think he's relaxed more and taking things easy. I've noticed that during the past year and i love how he's becoming more.....relaxed.
Ohno-kun is really an artist. During the movie shooting of "kiiroi namida" he showed me his clay work.....and it really.....turned me was so good and realistic (lol) I've noticed that he's doing quite a lot of reading thesedays, but its all about art (lol) So i always think he's an artist. He sometimes talk about doing a art exibition. I wish he does it soon, because i really want people to see his work. The other day, we were playing games, and ohno-kun got bored and started playing with clay....And i realized he was just staring at us. So i asked him what he was doing....then he said "i was wondering how people are shaped...."..........I can't even communicate with him when it comes to art (lol) I think he's moving with his senses. And i love that.
Group wise, i think there is a big differnce before and after nino was gone. We were doing solo works for the past few month, and i thought we will get bored of each other during the promotion of kitto daijyobu and the summer concert tour, but we're not bored at all (lol) They are just interesting and fun people (lol) I'm having a lot of fun too. I guess our group is in a very good place right now. Of course right ? Because we're in the second chapter !
comment: done done done ! if anyone has something they want to get translated....tell me !