Title: the hour of the wolf Word Count: 2,033 Rating: M (it's a porn battle after all!) Prompt: A Song of Ice and Fire, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, wolf, fur, snow
Hahaha thanks!! Ned is usually much more of an Arryn than a Stark, it seems, from what we hear about the Starks, but I like him getting in touch with his wolf side sometimes. ;-)
Ooh beautiful, I love the sense that Ned shed some of his uprightness here. Sometimes marital sex can seem so fresh and new, you really captured that without having the, ooc.
Thank you! I have a thing for Ned getting in touch with his wolf-ish side sometimes (and I mean, we get 'aching loins' in the books, obviously he knows how to get it on!). ;-) But I do try and keep them as much in character as I can so I'm glad you thought it worked!
I looooove it! You know how I adore Catelyn's conflicted sense of not belonging but also adapting to the North so this fic totally hit that spot. Her uneasiness, the feeling that her footsteps were so loud, thinking that the weirwood was judging her--that was all great. Wild!Wolf!Ned is also fabulous, especially with his aggressive seduction and his confidence that Cat does belong in the North with him. It's fitting that he still takes care to make sure Cat is relatively comfortable on the fur and not too undressed in the cold. I really like the idea of the old kings of winter bedding under the godswood, and Cat/Ned getting in on that location action. Ned returning to normal afterwards seems appropriate, as though the wolf's blood only makes a rare appearance in him but remains a part of him all the same. It's interesting to see the feral!Stark side to Ned in this fic since he mostly doesn't fit that mold with his quiet, steady honor. Cat's feeling that it may have been a dream but for the physical proof added to the otherworldly
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