Best headline award goes to: "Rendition: isn't that American for torture?"
Article under the cut: (Copy and pasted as frequently The Age articles are hard to get access to after the first day they're up.
December 7, 2005
'RENDITION' is a splendid example of what sometime philologist Don Watson has memorably dubbed a "weasel word". Now a euphemism for delivery into torture, rendition in fact has a specific legal meaning. It refers to the surrender or turning over of people or property from one jurisdiction to another. Extradition is the most common form of rendition - suspects are "rendered" or handed over from one jurisdiction to another. Correctly a judicial function, the bastardised version of the process increasingly employed by the United States since September 11, 2001, is referred to as "extraordinary rendition". This is because such acts do not involve reference to the legal process or even taking suspects into US territory. Extraordinary rendition has become a state-sponsored form of kidnapping of those suspected of terrorism or involvement with terror groups. The countries to which most renditions have occurred - Egypt, Morocco, Syria and Jordan - have all been criticised for human rights violations and are known to torture suspects. For that reason, human rights groups consider rendition in violation of the UN Convention on Torture. Among those captives who claim to have been subjected to it are Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib, who was arrested on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in 2001, taken to Egypt, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay before being released without charge in January.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday sought to justify rendition on the basis that it has saved lives and taken terrorists out of action. She said the US would "not transport anyone to a country where we believe he will be tortured", nor itself engage in torture. Given what is known of Guantanamo Bay and abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, Dr Rice's defence had echoes, in a weasely sort of way, of US claims during the Vietnam of having saved a village by destroying it.