Title: The Work Day
Rating: G
retsumatsuro Characters: Kaine and Katherine, Roy and Ed
A/N: ^__________________^ Using the pairing Retsu came up with in our RP. They are so cute! <3
The work day never seemed to get any easier.
Running papers around, dealing with the other officers, dealing with the Colonel…it was just nonstop.
Slumping into his chair, Kaine looked at the last stack of papers he had to file.
“Just a few more hours…”
Jean, Riza, and the others had left some time ago, off to the officers club most likely. The Colonel and Edward had gone into Roy’s office some time ago to ‘discuss a mission report’ and hadn’t come out since.
And here he was doing MORE paperwork.
Pushing his glasses up a bit, Kaine went about starting to sort the stack of papers, the short officer still brooding a bit.
“Kaine?” A soft voice started the officer, dark eyes flickering to the door, meeting blue.
The blonde smiled shyly and came into the room a few steps, hands behind her back holding a small bag.
“Riza-san told me you were still working so I..I thought I’d bring you some dinner.” Katherine explained softly, a faint blush staining her cheeks.
Much like the one staining Kaine’s cheeks.
“I..ah..thank..thank you.” He stammered a bit, avoiding her gaze as his blush increased. Katherine giggled faintly and moved over to the officer’s desk, reaching down to take his hand.
“Let’s eat on the roof.”
“….Alright.” Kaine murmured with a smile and stood, allowing Katherine to lead him out.
“I told you they liked each other!” Ed announced, moving away from the door, smirking at the man lounging on the couch.
“Good for you. Another bright shiny star for Hagane-no.”
“Mmm, but you wouldn’t have any fun if I wasn’t.” Roy shot back, smirk softening. The Fullmetal Alchemist rolled his eyes, moving to sit down beside his commanding officer.
“Whatever.” He mumbled, relaxing a bit as Roy slipped an arm around him, grinning lightly.
Another point for Ed Elric, love mediator.