Title: What keeps us strong
Rating: G
Fandom: .hack//GU
Characters: Haseo, Sirius, Alkaid, Shino
Prompt: 7-Virtues: Faith
A/N: Part of the 7-Heavenly Virtues word prompt challenge.
The arena was spinning.
The last blow had knocked Haseo to his knees and the rogue found himself breathing heavily.
It was over. They had lost.
You’re giving up?
Haseo’s eyes snapped open and as he looked past Sirius he saw..
I thought you were strong! Come on Haseo! Get up ya bum!
Time seemed to have slowed down and the rogue realized that there was someone else beside Alkaid and as his eyes focused, his voice caught in his throat.
I know you can do it Haseo. Don’t give up.
Time returned to normal and Sirius’ blade came down upon the rogue. A clang echoed through the arena as Haseo threw his twin blades up to block and shoved the other fighter back as he rose.
He couldn’t lose; he wouldn’t lose.
They believed in him, and that gave Haseo all the strength he needed.