Title: The Queen
Rating: G
Comic(s): X-Men
Prompt: Word: Love
Character(s): Remy “Gambit” LeBeau, Rogue
A/N: Part of the 100-Word Prompt challenge.
It’s always been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That a single picture can sometimes express more then any one word ever could. Remy often wondered if cards could work the same way. Could a simple thing such as a playing card express the emotions he couldn’t properly show?
“Remy.” Red eyes met green. There was a silence that fell over them for a moment and the Cajun racked his brain for the right words. Rogue just smiled faintly and held something up.
A playing card; the Queen of Heart.
Remy smiled sheepishly and opened his mouth to speak but the words died in his throat as Rogue leaned up. Their lips didn’t touch but it was as if they did and a shiver ran through the Cajun as his half closed eyes focused on her.
“I love ya too Remy.”