Title: Crash
Rating: PG-13
Comic(s): Runaways
Character(s): Nico Minoru, Victor Mancha
A/N: I was feeling mean the day I wrote this.
“Victor. Victor please say something.” Nico’s voice cracked as she spoke. The cyborg lay motionless in her arms, aside from the occasional spark. “Victor please!”
“N…010101zzzt….Ni…” Her arms tightened around Victor and tears poured down her cheeks. They had forced her to use a spell. There was no way she could have fought them alone. Karolina and Xavin had both been knocked out. Molly had completely worn herself out and Chase had passed out from the pain of two broken legs. That had left Nico and Victor.
“Nico run! I’ll take care of them!” Victor ordered, his hands already sparking with electricity. Behind him, Nico clutched the Staff of One and shook her head.
“No! We’re in this together.”
“Foolish children.” One of the androids no towered over Molly, it’s arm opening up to reveal a small laser gun. Both Nico and Victor made to move. “Wrong choice.” The laser began to flicker and heat up, the high-pitched noise making Victor wince. The android sounded like it was chuckling, as it’s ‘eyes’ settled on Nico. “To say the young one you must destroy the cyborg.”
“What? No!” she shouted, shaking her head. “Never!”
“Nico…” She stopped talking and turned her head to look at Victor now who was watching the android. “Do it.”
“Victor no..”
“Nico we don’t have a choice!”
“Do it!”
She wasn’t sure why she had used the words she had but it had done what had been ordered of her to do. Victor had dropped and the android had taken what he wanted and left.
Short circuit.
“I’m so sorry Victor. I’m sorry.” She whispered as she hugged him close. The teen had stopped sparking minute’s prior but Nico kept telling herself that he was okay. “Victor…Vic..please don’t leave me alone. Please…don’t leave me…”