Title: Fear
Rating: G
Comic(s): New X-Men, Avengers: The Initiative
Prompt: N/A
Character(s): Victor Borkowski, Terrence Ward
Summary: “What scares you?”
A/N: Part of my birthday gift to
fullmetal_cute. :3
“If I had your powers, what would I turn into right now?”
“What?” Terrence glanced over his shoulder a bit as Victor settled behind him on the back of the couch, the lizard tugging the other boy back between his legs.
“What are you scared of? You're always helping other people but what about you?” Running his fingers through Terrence's hair, Vic watched as an odd look crossed his boyfriend's face. “Terry?”
Glowing eyes.
“Terry, Hey, snap out of it.”
A wicked smile.
“Terry!” Said young man startled and turned around quickly, meeting Victor's worried gaze. “Wha--”
“It's nothing, Victor,” he murmured, brushing his hair back some as he got a hold of himself.
Someone in the dark calling his name.
“It's nothing.”