Title: Sing me a song
Rating: G
Comic(s): New X-Men
Prompt: N/A
Character(s): Victor Borkowski, Paras Gavaskar
Summary: They were in so much trouble.
A/N: Part of my (belated) birthday gift to
Both boys collapsed into the booth, out of breath but all smiles.
"We are in so much trouble, you know that right?" Paras murmured through his laughter, reaching for his soda. Beside him, Vic just grinned and slipped into the other teen's lap, straddling him as he leaned in to steal a kiss.
"For once, I don't care," he murmured, brushing his nose against Paras' as he pulled away before hopping up again. "Now come on! A new song's starting!" Paras let himself get dragged to the microphones, still trying to figure out how he had let Victor talk him into going to a Karaoke bar in the first place.