Title: Ego Mania
Prompt: 046. Writer's Choice: Attraction
crazedwolfRating: G
Series: New X-Men, Runaways
Characters: Gert, Molly, Old Lace, mention of Julian, Nico, and Chase
Warnings: Nadda~ CRACK. BD
Summary: “You like him!”
Author's Notes:
Written for NaNo! =D
“Ego much?” Gert drawled as she watched Chase and Nico talk to some of the X-brats, as she liked to call them, one of them in particular making her want to gag.
“Huh?” Looking up from her book Molly blinked at Gert then followed her gaze, head tilting as she looked the young man in question over, biting the inside of her cheek as she thought. “I think he's hot.”
“You have no taste.”
“I do too! Just 'cause you don't like them with attitude doesn't mean the rest of us don't,” Molly said all matter of factly, which made Gert roll her eyes, leaning back against Old Lace who clicked softly curiously and nudged her arm a bit. A hand lifted to rub the raptor's snout, Gert motioning with the other.
“It's not the attitude, Molly. It's the fact that he has a blatant disregard for the people around him. He's the type that won't consider the safety of his teammates before his own because he thinks he's something special and likes to try and be mister big and bad when really he can't do much but mess things up.”
Molly's nose scrunched as she watched Julian again, thinking over Gert's words before ever so slowly a sly looking grin started to pull at her lips.
“You totally just described Chase sorta kinda and you use to date Chase which means you like that sort of thing which means!” She paused all dramatically before her grin grew even bigger, holding her hands up in a sort of 'Wait for it!' motion. “You like Julian!”
“Not a snowball's chance in hell,” Gert shot back, glaring at Molly who looked positively delighted with the revelation, eyes narrowing with that childish mirth she was known for as she started humming, flopping back on the grass, book completely forgotten now.
“Gert and Julian sitting in a tree!”