These 2 days were spent at Tami's house doing Entre.
28pages of Business Plan as target, super crazy yo. But yay to Tami and YY!
Now we left all the statistics, and graphs, and and..
While doing work, the topic about prom kept coming in and YY was like, "Prom is coming in 5 weeks eh! I am starting to get stressed!" Reminds me of EOYS (like 2 weeks before: OMG EOYs is coming in 14 days eh! I am starting to get stressed!), so for now, everyone is trying to get their 4.0 GPA dresses. (& so many people have acquired it already!) YY and I havent even started on our revision search yet, so uh oh. We were flipping through Tami's wonderful collection of Seventeen U.S.A/Singapore and trying to get inspiration.
Must.start.scouring. Huiwen and my FAMP (stands for Farewell alma mater Plan) shall start tomorrow! After eating all the possible food you can find in Orchard below $20 (except breeks, but we are tres tired of western food), we shall move onto TGDS (The great dress search!). FAMP FTW! (Yeah then after that worry about shoes, bag, hair, makeup, accessories. -.- Qianwen says, "Eh we paid $60 eh! Must look good on that day.")
Haha seriously, the most talked topic should be prom right now. 8D
& Tomorrow's the start of paper returning. Spread over 5 days. Extended torture as a disadvantage, but if the results are not up to expectations, at least the blow wont be so bad. All the best to batch! (:
(& self reminder!
1. Prac liuqin- 4 lian xi qu, 2 songs
2. Finish up on whites for shining city!
3. Environmental bio- 2 plants miniwriteup for each fieldtrip
4. Poster, promotional stuff
5. Get hold of Roll of Thunder)