fannish5 Name five characters who should die, or should have died sooner.
1. William Lawford (Sharpe). He should have died when he lost his arm at Ciudad Rodrigo, before he returned to England and became an evil politician.
2. Stacy Warner (House). I just feel that the character isn't giving anything to the show.
3. Aragorn (Lord of the Rings). I have always felt that the whole messianic king thing was a bit disappointing end for his life. He should have died before the coronation. *nods*
4. Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars). I am not going to explain this.
5. Remus Lupin (Harry Potter). He should have died together with Sirius, if they were to die, and certainly before that embarrassing Tonks thing.
This is was a difficult list to write. I am more inclined to wish that characters would have stayed alive.