Title: Hilltop Christmas Eve
Pairing: Yabu Kota/Inoo Kei (HSJ)
Rating: G
Word Count: 485
Summary: Yabu surprises Inoo with a Christmas Eve picnic.
Stars blazed the night sky as Yabu dragged Inoo towards the top of the mountainous hill. It was Christmas Eve and Inoo was planning on staying inside for the night but I guess those plans were changed.
“Where are you taking me?”
He had no idea what Yabu was planning but from the looks of it right now, he didn’t like it. For a hill it sure was big. Why was he up here? He hated heights and he wanted to get down right now.
“You’ll find out soon.”
Yabu gave a warm grin towards Inoo, but that didn’t leave him any less doubtful. The wind was strong tonight which didn’t help his fear levels but he knew he was somewhat safe with Yabu holding on to him. Tightening his grip on Yabu’s arm, Yabu couldn’t help but laugh at how scared the younger one was.
“Are you really that scared?”
Inoo just glared at him but that didn’t stop him from gripping any harder. As they were approaching the top he could see the lights of Tokyo in the distant. It looked beautiful and Inoo couldn’t but stare in awe at the view he was witnessing. Was this why he brought him up here? If so he was thankful he didn’t stay in tonight and hang out with the others. Yabu halted at the top of the hill pulling Inoo to his side.
There was a whole picnic set up with Christmas lights surrounding the area. It was amazing. Inoo was speechless. What were you supposed to say with a surprise like this? Taking a hold of Yabu’s hand, they both sat down in front of the picnic basket taking out all the prepared food Yabu probably spent ages on. Taking a bite from the sandwich he grabbed, he looked at Yabu who was staring at Inoo.
“What?” Inoo chuckled a bit as he saw Yabu jump from his daydream.
“Oh nothing, it’s just the first time I’ve seen you actually enjoy yourself in ages. It’s nice.” Inoo blushed as he saw Yabu shuffled next to him.
“Yeah I guess it is.”
They spent the rest of the night lying on the grass staring at the night sky reminiscing of old times. It has been a while since Inoo actually chatted with Yabu about stuff. It wasn’t that they never saw each other it was just they never had the time for each other. Inoo couldn’t help but laugh as Yabu told his horrible jokes to him. They both laughed together before silence fell upon them. Inoo turned to his side to face Yabu who was still happily looking at the stars above.
“This was nice, Kou-chan.”
Yabu replied with a smile and let his hand slip between Inoo’s soft hands. They were both smiling.
“I’m glad!”
They both lied there hand in hand watching the stars hoping this moment would never end.
Title: Christmas Lights
Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke/Nakajima Yuto (HSJ)
Rating: G
Word Count: 212
Summary: Ryosuke and Yuto find themselves tangled amongst Christmas lights.
Ryosuke put the baubles on Christmas tree while Yuto spent his time flustered over the tangled Christmas lights in his hands.
“Why are these so hard to untangle?” Ryosuke laughed as Yuto found himself tangled amongst the Christmas lights. Putting the last of the baubles on he went to Yuto to help the poor guy out.
“Here, let me.” Grabbing one end of the lights Ryosuke navigated his way around Yuto trying to find a way to untangle him. His eyebrows furrowed as he started to get agitated at how complicated the task turned out to be. He found himself circling Yuto almost ten times in the span of five minutes.
“What the -“
Before he knew it he was wrapped up in the lights with Yuto.
“Nice one!” Yuto chuckled as they both tried to wriggle their way out of their sudden confinement. Ryosuke rolled his eyes as he gave up and sat down with force sending Yuto to the ground with him. Ryosuke turned to see Yuto face first next to him. Laughing, he saw Yuto look at him laughing with him.
“You suck!” Yuto pushed Ryosuke making him fall over. They both lied their laughing not bothering to try and free themselves anymore. This was much more fun.
Title: Sweater Season
Pairing: Takaki Yuya/Arioka Daiki (HSJ)
Rating: G
Word Count: 188
Summary: Daiki receives a sweater from Yuya... again.
Pulling the sweater over his head, Daiki looked at himself in the mirror wide eyed. He hated it but he didn’t want to tell Yuya. It was your usual Christmas sweater; red with Christmas patterns sprawled all over it, random pom poms stuck on and thick cotton. Yuya was sitting on the chair behind Daiki with a smile as he watched the younger one try on his present.
“So do you like it?” Daiki looked at Yuya and gave him a forced smile. He didn’t want to hurt the older one’s feelings. Yuya jumped with joy as he fist-pumped the air.
“Yuya knocks it out of the park once again!” Yuya left the room gleaming with happiness while Daiki quickly took off the sweater and laid it on the bed. Grabbing a box from his closet he opened it to reveal a ton of ugly sweaters previously given to him from Yuya. Folding this year’s one, he placed it on top of 2012’s and shut the lid.
“At least you tried this year.” Daiki giggled to himself before placing the box in its original place for another year.
A/N: So I haven't written a HSJ fic in ages. I'm sorry if they seem OOC or whatever lol. I just needed to write something involving them since I watched the Ride With Me PV and got a whole lot of feels, especially since I haven't watched a HSJ PV since OVER lol. So I hope you enjoyed the drabbles c: