Finally, the weekend is here! My plan of attack is to get caught up on Castle, bake cookies for Kira's party tomorrow night, homework, laundry, and sleep! I can't believe Midterms are next week...
Day 1: Favorite RE game
Day 2: Least favorite villain
Day 3: Do you like the movies? Why or why not?
Day 4: How many RE games do you own? How many have you currently beaten?
Day 5: Favorite female character
Day 6: Favorite weapon
Day 7: Least favorite male character
I originally had some trouble thinking of someone for this question. I kept cycling through the male characters of the games. "Billy? He's awesome! Chris? I think everyone knows how I feel about Chris Redfield. Leon? He's pretty cool, as well!" And so on. I kept forgetting about one game, though... Code Veronica: X. And my least favorite male character is the main one in that game: Steve Burnside. Granted, I haven't finished playing the original game completely through, but from what I have played... I have no idea why Claire didn't ditch him in the first place. He is just some snot-nosed brat who tries way too hard to be cool, which he fails at miserably. I did feel a little sorry for him when he has to kill his zombified dad, and when Alexia turns him into a monster. But every other moment he is on screen? He can go DIAF, thank you very much.
Day 8: What was the first RE game you played?
Day 9: Favorite creature
Day 10: Have you read any of the books? If so, what ones?
Day 11: What part in the games scared you the most?
Day 12: Favorite villain
Day 13: Was there any parts in the games that made you laugh?
Day 14: Favorite male character
Day 15: Do you prefer the zombies or creatures infected with Las Plagas?
Day 16: Least favorite female character
Day 17: Favorite boss battle
Day 18: Least favorite RE game
Day 19: Do you own any RE merchandise besides the games?
Day 20: Least favorite creature
Day 21: Best line someone has said throughout the game series
Day 22: Least favorite boss battle
Day 23: What’s the highest score in Mercenaries you’ve ever gotten?
Day 24: Do you have any favorite characters from the movies?
Day 25: What do you think is the most challenging RE game?
Day 26: Leon or Chris?
Day 27: Favorite concept art from RE
Day 28: Least favorite weapon
Day 29: Have you cried at any parts of the games?
Day 30: Anything else you want to talk about that’s related to RE?