Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
For ysabella_dolfin )
Comments 19
2. What is your favourite comedic movie, and why?
3. If President Obama invited you to visit him in the White House and discuss any three topics with him during your visit to the Oval Office, what would you prepare for your visit?
4. If you threw a dinner party for four of your friends, what famous historical figure, living or dead, would you invite to be the sixth and how would you kick off the conversation that evening?
5. If you were to run for mayor of your town, what would be your platform?
2) If you were asked to create a work of embroidery for world peace, what would you make and how would you go about it?
3) If an Italian friend wanted to visit Alaska/Oertha with you on your upcoming break and had only four days to see things in, what sort of itinerary would you set up?
4) What do you see as the benefits of having living in multiple countries and on several continents?
5) If you were marooned on a South Sea island, which three people would you want with you, and what would be in your handy PDA (which you would have) as far as books, music and other useful media?
1) If you hadn't have found the SCA (or it wasn't there to have been found), what activity/ies do you think would have filled that niche in your life?
2) You've moved often, showing as much willingness to pick up and go to somewhere new as I have. Do you think you are done moving, or are your feet starting to itch again?
3) Do you have a "favourite" place of all the places you've lived? Why?
4) What are the benefits you see to having lived in multiple countries and more than once continent?
5) If cats hadn't existed, what sort of animal companion would you have chosen?
2) If you were told you had to go into another profession besides veterinary science, what would you do and why?
3) What is your favourite season?
4) President and Mrs. Obama invite you and Doug for dinner and a "highlights" tour. What three things would you ask to see?
5) What are your two favourite genres of music, and why?
2) What were you like at age five?
3) Who would be your five ideal guests for a special dinner party, and what would you cook?
4) What was your favourite subject in high school?
5) Where is your ideal place to spend Christmas?
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