Anime Detour is GOING TO ROCK! I have a good feeling about it. I am starting my costume now. I ordered Tuxedo Kamen's Hat, cane, and gloves. Then I am going to do casual Mamoru. It will be the shit! 76 days!
Well I have come to a decision I am going to Anime Detour as Tuxedo Kamen! I already have bought the hat, cane, and gloves. So when AD rolls around expect to see pics of me in here!
Ok I have narrowed my cosplay choices Vincent from SH3, James Sunderland from SH2, Heather (man version) SH3, Tuxedo Kamen/Mamoru from SailorMoon. SO who do you think I should be????
Regret SUCKS! I WISH I WOULD HAVE WENT TO OHAYOCON! Well, I wish I could have afforded to go that is. Now I am going to be bored as fuck for the weekend. AND I don't work all next week. I hate this shit.
WTF I just called work and I have NO hours next week, meaning I DON'T WORK AT ALL!!! I am pissed, I am PART TIME! At least give me a fucking day! but NO I don't get anything. DAMMIT! I need money! I have things coming up that require money. This sucks.
GOD I am bored and I can't sleep. I wish I had a soundproof room so I could Para or play PIU or DDR or something fun. But I can't I am stuck being bored. I think I will play Mario and Luigi Partners in Time on my Nintendo DS, at least that is quiet.