Подборка ссылок на интернет-ресурсы с каталогами, брошюрами, руководствами и пр. по большеформатным объективам. В основном на английском, некоторые ссылки - на итальянском и французском:
http://www.cameraeccentric.com/info.htmlMany catalogs, some listed below: Bausch & Lomb, Busch, Cooke-TTH, Dallmeyer, Fujinon, Goerz American, Graf, Ilex, Kodak, Komura, Gundlach, Meyer, Oscar Zwierzina, Pinkham & Smith, Rodenstock, Ross, Schneider, Staeble, Steinheil, Voigtländer, Wollensak, Zeiss. Also camera catalogs and instruction manuals. Look here before asking a question on a bulletin board.
http://savazzi.freehostia.com/photography/default.htmClick on Old Literature, bottom left, to get to a number of Nikon LF lenses catalogs; his list of Nikon process lenses is incomplete
http://www.dioptrique.info/More than 1,000 lens prescriptions, most taken from patents, with calculated performance
http://www.graflex.org/lenses/lens-spec.htmlMichael Gudzinowicz’ list.
http://www.largeformatphotography.info/Read the lens FAQs.
http://cnum.cnam.fr/RUB/cata_construct_bovis.htmlA number of catalogs, some listed below, all in French.
A Lens Collector’s Vade Mecum. A book originally published on CD ROM, now available as a download from
http://www.antiquecameras.net/ ~ 700 pp. Idiosyncratic, incomprehensible, inconsistent, sometimes incorrect, often infuriating, invaluable.
http://www.marcocavina.com/sommario.htmInteresting site, well worth exploring. Most pages are in Italian.
http://www.globalmatter-lab.net/catalog.htmTables of specifications for some LF Schneider, Topcor, Nikkor, Rodenstock and Fujinon lenses (in that order). Gives flange-focal distances. Much the same table is also at
http://www.ebonycamera.com/articles/lenses.html http://www.prograf.ru/rodenstock/largeformat_en.html - Rodenstock lenses for large format cameras
http://www.largeformatphotography.info/classic-experts.html - Ektars, Goertz (Red Dot) Artar, Dagor, Tessars, Xenars, Heliar Lenses
Добавления френдов (выношу из комментариев ниже):
u1http://www.arnecroell.com/publications - особенно полезно по объективам Docter/Germinar и советским форматным объективам.
http://www.willwilson.com/fujinonlc2.html - для оперативного получения информации по форматным Fujinon-ам.
1greywindhttp://www.subclub.org/fujinon/ - крайне полезный ресурс по крупноформатным объективам Фуджи
uppssshttp://mformat.com/largeformat.asp?mv=7&mf=89 - обзор в нескольких частях по объективам большого формата