Original eye set by
Simrenity. Recolors by
Pooklet. Sclera by
Custom, Contacts, Defaults, & Geneticized / Townified Sets {30 Colors}
Simrenity's original colors with Anva's sclera here. Yes, I've got absolutely no life. Here's another FULL SET of stuff for you! I saw this set by Pooklet and thought they were GORGEOUS! Not too cartoony, but not too realistic. Her additional colors of Simrenity's eyes are absolutely beautiful. There was just one thing, I'm not a big fan of the more realistic sclera around them. And after having
Yumedust + Anva Eyeball Edit in my game for a while {because they're amazing!}, I've come to appreciate the emotion from my eye sets. :) I wanted more variety in my game, which is why I decided to take on this project. That, and I needed something to occupy my mind since my friend went missing.
So, I learned about
Sims 2 genetics from
rikkulidea and found a
tutorial about making contacts by
Models from top to bottom: Shamrock Crayola, Liam Roberts, Unmellow Yellow Crayola {aka Townie Spawner}, Asparagus Crayola. All of them by
Normal TOU applies for all the people involved: don't claim as your own, don't upload to paysites or the exchange, have fun!
Pick only ONE of each color to be your default. Default Brown & Blue will always be dominant over Green, Light Blue & Grey.
Default Brown
carnet imports //
firecracker //
girl named viola //
raised by wolves //
price & style //
soft & warm //
honey bee Default Dark Blue
your biggest fan //
kid gloves //
little blue planet //
new love //
pandora's vice Default Light Blue
forget-me-not //
brother in conflict //
philadelphia story //
new money boy //
lilac fields forever Default Green
casilda laine //
hazy days //
rise up in the dirt //
save the rainforest //
trouble //
long haul Default Grey
dirty version //
fast asleep //
introduction //
os was here //
wrecking force //
hello kitty on acid Pick only ONE set.
Set 1 - Geneticized & Townified
Dominant: carnet imports, price & style, os was here, little blue planet, your biggest fan, new love, forget-me-not, heirloom, firecracker, pandora's vice
Medium: girl named viola, honey bee, raised by wolves, soft & warm, casilda laine, introduction, rise up in the dirt
Recessive: brother in conflict, new money boy, philadelphia story, dirty version, fast asleep, hello kitty on acid, wrecking force, hazy days, long haul, trouble, kid gloves, lilac fields forever, save the rainforest
Set 2 - Geneticized & Townified
Dominant: little blue planet, your biggest fan, price & style, rise up in the dirt, new love, forget-me-not, heirloom, hazy days, lilac fields forever, firecracker
Medium: carnet imports, os was here, girl named viola, dirty version, introduction, trouble, pandora's vice, hello kitty's on acid, kid gloves, save the rainforest
Recessive: brother in conflict, new money boy, philadelphia story, honey bee, raised by wolves, soft & warm, fast asleep, wrecking force, casilda laine, long haul
Set 3 - Geneticized & Townified
Dominant: little blue planet, girl named viola, new love, forget-me-not, heirloom, fast asleep, introduction, trouble, firecracker, hello kitty's on acid, kid gloves, pandora's vice, save the rainforest
Medium: your biggest fan, carnet imports, price & style, os was here, rise up in the dirt, dirty version, hazy days
Recessive: brother in conflict, new money boy, philadelphia story, honey bee, raised by wolves, soft & warm, wrecking force, casilda laine, long haul, lilac fields forever
SET 1 //
SET 2 //
SET 3 Simrenity's original colors with Anva's sclera here. ![](http://c.statcounter.com/5641169/0/e767fae8/1/)