6 recolors of RenSims's FemFem, GQ, & Madness eyebrows
3 Maxis-Match Retextures & Recolors of Hairs by CoolSims & Peggy.
Color by
simgaroop. Hair textures by Chokelate/Ninika.
I've been meaning to do this for a while now. I absolutely love these eyebrows by RenSim, but they never really matched the hairs that I have from
simgaroop. So, I made these and decided to share in case someone else wanted them too.
Files are all compressed and clearly labeled so you can delete any of the ones you don't want. Normal TOU applies for all the people involved: don't claim as your own, don't upload to paysites or the exchange, have fun! Comments are <3.
The eyebrows are done in
simgaroop's natural colors except the Dark Brown color, because RenSim's Brown is almost exactly the same as
simgaroop's Dark Brown. I've also included a White {Pooklet's Platinum} recolor and a Grey recolor {no pictured}. The Grey version is a little darker than RenSim's.
There are several versions of the brows that you can download. In all of them, the White & Grey recolors are custom and they are available for all ages. For the sanity of some people's Grey eyebrow bin, I'm including a version that does NOT include elder {Grey} attached to each color. So, when it says 'Binned {no Grey}', they just means that there are no Grey brows attached to the natural recolors, but the custom Grey recolor file is still included in that download. Man, I hope that makes sense. Also, none of these are family linked. For some reason I couldn't get that to work.
If anyone would like me to default these or make them in unnatural colors, just say the word. :)
The pictures below are as follows: top picture is the original RenSim version, the bottom picture is my recolored version.
Blonde {GQ Brows pictured}
I didn't like that I could barely see the eyebrows on my darker skinned Sims, so I lightened them up a little.
Black {FemFem Brows pictured}
There is only a small difference between these. The ones I recolored are slightly lighter.
Red {FemFem Brows pictured}
This was the main reason why I recolored these brows. I didn't like the version of red that RenSim made. It was way too dark. So, I made two versions of my own. One matches the 'Bright Red' and one matches the 'Maxis Red' of
simgaroop's hairs. As you can see, there is a noticeable difference. Much better in my opinion! :)
Brown {GQ Brows pictured}
While I do like RenSim's brown, I felt it went with the Dark Brown recolors better. So, I made a lighter version to match the regular Brown hairs.
White {Madness Brows pictured}
And because I didn't have any white colored eyebrows, I made these.
Binned + Grey //
Binned {no Grey} //
Custom + Grey //
Custom {no Grey} Hair
Mesh is included. Each set of hair comes with one blonde, one black, two red, two brown, and one custom version of white {for all ages}. All natural hairs have been binned and the grey hair is linked to the black.
The first two hairs are the EXACT same ones found
here. I just wanted to put everything in one post for when I advert this stuff.
CoolSims 77
Peggy June 09 Gift REDUX
Peggy 006225