Hey, send me you resume. I work for Smiths Aerospace (which you may or may not have heard of), and they are ALWAYS looking for qualified engineers, particularly for their military programs (and I get a bonus if they hire you. ;). They pay well, and have a facility in Germantown.
We are always in need of good mechanical engineers, systems experience a major bonus. NGC is a good company, too - tons of interesting work (including a good deal of black stuff since you mentioned you were interested in that), good benefits. Electronic Systems is largely sensor-based, tons of radar and EO/IR work. Our offices are next door to BWI. I think you'd be a really good fit.
Drop me a line, I will get your resume in to the right folks if you are interested.
Comments 3
lj @ voidptr dot net
How's Mark doing? I keep meaning to give him a call or something and get a beer with him.
Drop me a line, I will get your resume in to the right folks if you are interested.
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