Apr 17, 2004 11:30
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.
Ask me anything you want. Really. I'll answer anything.
Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
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Comments 35
2) do you like the cock more than the puss?
3) since we jump in water to cool off, do fish jump out of water to cool off?
its debatable. ha. i haven't had much of either.
YES. of course. that's an obvious question.
What is the meaning to life?
What is the average air speed velocity of a sparrow?
-i'll revert back to the buddhist teachings for this one ;) dharma, as i understand and remember it, is the theory that everyone has a sole purpose on this earth- that, as human beings, we each are here to find and do one thing(or...activity) that betters the universe and that we enjoy doing more than anything.
-uhm :)....2?
what's the best joke in the world?
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuch wood?
-what's brown and sticky?
-probably a lot, if he could. as much as he were physically able.
b. what is your middle name? (or both of them...)
c. why are some people so ignorant?
-jillian and bailey. baily. nobody really knows whether there's supposed to be an 'e' at the end or not.
-well, do you mean people in the Congo? they are ignorant because they don't have the means or the need to be westernized.
what is the purpose of life?
why were you able to fly under my gaydar?
-read above.
-uhm....because i'm not butch :D
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