I hear the absolute all time worst converations, between those overhead on the bus and those overhead while going to do laundry in the basement.
Ranging anywhere from how the people speaking are going to jail soon, conversations about drugs and abortions (yes, together!), and just plain old 13-year-old-girl-stupidity. That, I hear basically ALL the time on the bus.
Comments 5
meg would love this comment because it's so damn nerdy...since we live in the same house and community through lj.
Ranging anywhere from how the people speaking are going to jail soon, conversations about drugs and abortions (yes, together!), and just plain old 13-year-old-girl-stupidity. That, I hear basically ALL the time on the bus.
It makes me really not like a lot of people.
Je vais le regarder demain matin.
Ton cher Papa
people are stupid sometimes. I'm sure you've said stupid things too :)
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