I remember a quote... that all stories, no matter short or long, romance or thriller, fantasy or tragedy, always stop somewhere. Because if its continue long enough, all stories lead to the same end - death. Morbid
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hmm.. look closergageismMarch 25 2006, 06:32:12 UTC
well, death is the end if you look at it that way.. but pal.. you missed out all the good stuff in the middle..
i have been reading on death too. let's discuss on damien rice day!
but here's something for you to ponder. if you know your end is death. shld you use extra energy to figure it out. or try your best to live your life even fuller!
Comments 2
but pal.. you missed out all the good stuff in the middle..
i have been reading on death too.
let's discuss on damien rice day!
but here's something for you to ponder.
if you know your end is death. shld you use extra energy to figure it out. or try your best to live your life even fuller!
Oh n i reiterated my stand, i'm not being depressed or wat.... LOL
If the ultimate purpose of LIFE is to DIE eventually, this would lead to everyone committing suicide, which is of course, not sensible.
If the ultimate purpose of LIFE is to LIVE, then what defines living?
To enjoy ourselves? to learn? to experience? to love?
Then i always falls into a sort of paradox.... like, i cannot THINK my way thru this contradiction. Hahah
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