I am depressed. Why? Because my writer's block has been so bad that this, this, is practically the only thing I've been able to write for three months. So here it is, my very unglorious first TW fic(let)!
(And PotC - no idea why.)
“Tell him, Ianto,” Captain Jack said primly.
“Very well, sir.” Ianto turned to the men whose ship they’d fallen out of the rift onto. “Will Turner, I presume?” he asked politely, unwilling to make more of a fool of himself than absolutely necessary.
At the other man’s cautious nod, Ianto sighed heavily, and, rolling his eyes all the while, said, “Torchwood would like to inform you and your crew that our Captain Jack beats your Captain Jack.”
The captain with the ridiculous eyeliner spluttered, while the captain with the ridiculous coat beamed and bowed.
Jack was going to be unbearable for weeks, Ianto thought, clenching his teeth. Screw him and his cheating, Ianto was never going to lose naked hide and seek again. Ever.