sup slutz.
this community needs a sweet layout, I think.
anyway, here's some pictures from the last day of school. they're not theme, but still.. they have my friend Matt eating a bubble, so..
Liam, Kaylee, me, Bethany. I haven't yet learned how to smile and not look retarded. that's why all my pictures are emo.
Ross, Natalie, Sierra, Eric. the girls got those dresses from Natalie's mom's closet; I don't know where the jackets came from.
in Humanities Social, the final hour: Annie blowing bubbles while Anton, Matt, headless Mike, Steph and I watch.
Matt trying to eat a bubble.
me and Alexandra, post-locker-cleanout. you know all that junk migrated from my locker to my car and it's still there.
then I took pictures of my friend's band at the end-of-school concert.. but they were on his camera and he hasn't sent me any yet. I'll post them, though.