i crave attention.

May 01, 2005 22:20


Name: natalie
Age:54 or 17
Sex: girl
Sexual Preference:boys
single/dating: i reproduce by budding. quite embarassing really.
Location: texas
Guiltiest pleasure: b-movies
Something random: ich spiele am wochenende nichts fussball.
Yourself in 3 words: better. than. you.
What makes you hottt [yes 3 't's]? the heat is on in my room in May in Texas. and because i'm better than you.
Name your 5 favourite bands/musicians: The Velvet Underground, No Doubt, The Beatles, The Meteors, Revrend Horton Heat
Name your 3 favourite movies : The Royal Tennenbaums,Ciao! Manhattan, Ghost World
Name your 3 favourite stores: Urban Outfitters, Treasure Box thrift, joanns fabric!
Name at least one favourite food: steak, salmon, gummi bears
Tell us something interesting about you or make us laugh: i used to be in drill team. if that wont make you laugh, nothing will.

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